
Thursday, August 02, 2007

blog hopping yet again. and i get irritated by people who can't spell properly. they honestly think that people can actually understand what bull crap they are speaking when the whole time they type in abbreviations. and that word is spelled correctly by the way. my words all go through spell check. unlike some people.

tests are coming. anatomy test for today. means i'll get to see Ben yet again. i've been bumping into him the whole day. i dont mind him anytime or day.
and i've already got my daily does of ben for today. tomorrow would be better. i'll have him for the whole day.

i jsut got back from jam and club. which was one word; disappointment. i can't believe that i paid three bucks for shit like this. honestly. music sucked. they played umbrella twice. although i love that song. i wont condone this.

i should shut up. seriously. before i start ranting about things that makes no sense. its not like what i just blogged about alot of sense.


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